Emergency Dentistry in Deming, NM
Need to see an emergency dentist in Deming, NM? Deming Dental Services has you covered! Please call our front office right away so we can help you decide your next steps and begin preparing for your arrival. Our team offers gentle and efficient emergency dental care for a variety of different dental issues. Contact our office today!
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What is a dental emergency?
It can be difficult to tell if you need to make an emergency dental appointment or if you can schedule an appointment with our team in the near future. We always recommend calling our office so one of our knowledgeable team members can advise you on what to do next. Common dental emergencies that typically require emergency dental care include:
- Broken or Severely Cracked Teeth
- Dislodged Tooth
- Dental Bleeding or Swelling
- Unbearable Toothache
- Dental Abscess
- Foreign Object Stuck in Between Teeth

What is not a dental emergency?
A dental issue typically requires emergency care if it is accompanied by swelling, pain, or bleeding, or if a dental restoration is damaged or knocked out of place. If you chip your tooth and it’s not causing you any discomfort, you probably will not need to make an emergency appointment with our team, but we will want to take a look at it in the near future. Dental extractions are not usually dental emergencies and can be scheduled for a convenient time, but if a dental extraction is avoided for too long, the pain and discomfort can cause an emergency appointment to become necessary.

Is emergency dental care affordable?
When you or a loved one is experiencing a dental emergency, the last thing you should have to worry about is the cost of emergency dental care. Some dental insurance plans offer full or partial coverage for emergency dental services, so we recommend checking with your provider to see what they cover. We also accept third-party payment plans, which can help patients by dividing up the upfront cost of their care into monthly payments instead of owing the total amount all at once. If you have any other questions or concerns, our team will be happy to work with you to help you get the care you need at a budget-friendly price.
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